
SARS Online Portal – Update # 2

Dear valued client,
Further to our notification sent on Friday, we hereby wish to provide you with an update regarding the situation…

Air Freight Import:
We are starting to receive releases for entries lodged this morning, although there is still a back-log on those submitted last Thursday and Friday

Sea Freight Import:
We continue to experience delays on entries lodged from last Thursday. SAAFF are also engaging with both FCL and LCL Carriers regarding the passing of overstay due to these issues. Same will be addressed with each client on a case-by-case basis.

Sea Freight Exports:
Staggered releases this morning although still experiencing back-log on entries lodged on Friday. We anticipate that a handful of shipments may miss their target loading vessels as same were not cleared for export owing to these issues.

Air Freight Exports:
Releases are still pending for entries lodged last Thursday and Friday although releases for entries lodged this morning are coming through.

We hope to provide you with good news by later this afternoon.

Assuring you of our commitment in expediting your shipment as soon as possible…

Should you require any further information regarding the current situation, please feel free to giveus a call.

Yours in Logistics,

Pioneer Freight