
Our newsletters are designed to keep you informed and engaged with both our company and the broader industry. We cover key developments and trends across all modes and directions of cargo, ensuring you stay up-to-date with industry-relevant updates.


Golden Week (China): 01/10 – 07/10

During this week, most factories, businesses and government buildings are closed, which means that the country’s exports virtually comes to a halt and this usually ends up with a two week lag in export orders moving out. Carriers arrange schedules around this downturn, which generally means that there is very little movement in transport and logistics during the holiday period. The weeks leading up to Golden Week are usually considered to be peak season with some carriers implementing a Peak Season Surcharge

Pioneer Freight Fuel Adjustment

A friendly reminder to all our valued clients that effective 01/10/2023 Pioneer Freight will be adjusting our fuel surcharge on all road freight deliveries from 35% to 40%


Safeguard Duties

During Do you import cargo that falls under HS code 7318.15.41, 7315.15.42 and 7318.16.30…  If so, please note that the Safeguard Duties have been extended beyond July 2023 for the next 3 years, effectively 24 July 2023 to 23 July 2026.   The above-mentioned extension will not have any implications on 7318.15.39 (fully threaded set Screws) – there are currently no safeguard duties on that tariff subheading.

UK Exports:

Are you Shipping to the UK?  If so, have you registered your SARS exporters code to benefit from the SOUTH AFRICAN CUSTOMS UNION (SACU) and MOZAMBIQUE (SACUM) and the UNITED KINGDOM (UK) = SACUM-UK Economic Partnership Agreement.  This document has replaced the EUR1 covering UK exports (from South Africa and Mozambique) and can be applied for via your SARS E-Filing facility. Contact us should you require any further information.



Let’s stay in touch…

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